01- Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
02- Who I am - Nick Jonas and The Administration
03- Falling down - Selena Gomez and The Scene
04- Low Day - Capra
05- Shout it - Mitchel Musso feat. Mason Musso
06- He could be the one - Hannah Montana
07- A different side of me - Allstar Weekend
08- Here we go again - Demi Lovato
09- Give love a try - Jonas Brothers
10- Magic - Selena Gomez
11- Boy crazy - Jasmine Sagginario
12- Read between the lines - KSM
13- Bounce - Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato feat. Big Rob
14- One and the same - Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
Nome do Álbum: Its Teen
Gênero: Pop / Rock
Formato: Rar/mp3
Tamanho: 40.83 MB
Ano do Lançamento: 2010
Servidor: Multiupload
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